Petrina Lee

Petrina Lee

A Home-based Educator for 12 years, Petrina offers a warm and caring environment where children learn alongside others in a fun and respectful way.

A typical day in Petrina’s home-based programme starts with children enjoying free play while everyone settles. Once everyone has arrived and readied themselves for the day there’s an organised activity, which could take place inside or outside.

There’s always plenty to do, no matter what the weather brings. A favourite wet day activity involves bringing a big trough inside and filling it with bird seed or pebbles before getting to work with some diggers and trucks – the children love this imaginative and messy play!

Petrina keeps a similar routine each day with snack and meal times and naps always at the same time so children can feel settled and reassured knowing what will be happening throughout the day. Parents appreciate her understanding manner and know that their children are having plenty of fun and learning heaps within a safe environment.

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